July 15 is National Children's Book Day!


July 15 is National Children's Book Day!

2014 National Children's Book Day poster by Asa Montenejo

To celebrate National Children's Book Day, a special children's book fair featuring the country's major children's book publishers shall be held from 9 till 2:30 pm at the Museo Pambata. The fair shall be open to the public and admission is free.

There shall also be a special workshop for librarians called, The School Library as Avenue for the Development of Life Skills (An Echo and Workshop Session of the 42nd IASL Conference in Indonesia) from 9-12 noon also in Museo Pambata. The workshop shall be facilitated by Zarah Gagatiga, Librarian, Beacon Academy and PBBY Board Member.

This workshop session will help librarians integrate life skills and well-being indicators in library management. Ms. Gagatiga will also discuss concepts in planning, implementing and evaluating programs and services for children and teenagers. 21st century trends in school library management and administration will also be presented as well as information on professional learning networks, particularly the International Association of School Libraries.

Participants will be charged a workshop fee of P500.

For inquiries about the bookfair and the workshop, you may or contact Lance at 3526765 local 120.

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